2) Power Plant: This building supplies base with energy. Make sure it is safe because if enemies destroy it you cannot construct any of the other buildings. Once you build it you can construct any other buildings. If you don't have a lot of power plants we will face serious problems (radar shuts down, slow construction, some other buildings are deactivated) -SECTION B-ALLIES (Germany, England, France) -BUILDINGS A) BASIC 1) Construction Yard: This is your base. (see section "BUILDINGS") Q: Why do i have lack of energy? A: Any building you construct, consumes energy.
Q: How to increase my energy supplies? A: Build Power plants and Advanced power plants to supply your base with energy. 5) Buildings and units: You can see the buildings/ units you can construct. When is getting orange/red you have lack of energy. When this bar is green you have plenty of energy. It will be available when you build the Radar Dome(building) 4) Power bar: This shows the energy you have. 3) Map item: This item shows the entire map and counts the units you have killed. 2) Dollar item: Click it and target a building to sell it. 1) Tool item: Click this item and target a damaged building to repair it.

SECTION A-MAIN MENU In the right side of the screen there is the sidebar table. At the end we will show the hierrarchy of buildings and units of each side and some tips. Then we will present the units and buildings of each side (Allies: England, France, Germany / Soviet: Russia,Ukraine). We will start showing the menu and the use of the items. PC/ COMMAND AND CONQUER: RED ALERT and COMMAND AND CONQUER: RED ALERT- THEĪFTERMATH FAQ: BUILDINGS AND UNITS Written by CHU Vegetta Here, we are going to see a basic manual about the building and units of the game.